

May 17, 2021

Up next

Email digest

A summary email on past month’s performance.

Pages and referrals

Traction for popular landing pages and refering domains.


Get notifed when the traffic spikes or the engagement fails.



Run multiple simultaneous experiments on a landing page.

Purchase flows

Specialized analytics for the pricing page and its siblings.

Special seasons

See the impact of summer, corona, and other special seasons.

Global dashboard

One view for all your projects.

Geo- groupings

Measure Nordics, Baltics and other location-based groupings.

Visiting stages

See how bouncers, engagers, return visitors, and loyalists convert.

Business performance

Compare yourself to the others on your industry.


Make your backend aware of the more important events.

Hacker News integration

A special gem we cannot wait to unleash.


Desktop app

Native menus, notifications and a and better keyboard support.

Product and trial optimization

A separate sampling for testers, users, and product versions.


For faster and more confident A/B testing and decision making.

Google Analytics import

Sync all Google Analytics data that makes sense.

Mobile apps

Conversion optimization for games and other mobile apps.

Data sync

Get engagement data from S3, Backblaze, or similar.



How do you decide on a feature?

The feature must be a natural fit to the product and offer clear value for conversion optimization.

What features are rejected?

We won’t implement heatmaps, session recordings, form funnels, surveys, click flows, or custom event funnels because they tend to increase information overload. We want to make optimization easier.

Why is this roadmap public?

This helps us build something people genuinely want.

Do you fear copycats?

Nope. Our competitors’ data models are fundamentally different. If they want to grab something from this roadmap they basically have to start from scratch.